Friday, February 04, 2005

A wee travel tale.

As you can imagine, when you travel around the world, you can meet alot of different people, from alot of different backgrounds. Who will work in alot of different fields, from yourself. When I was passing through the USA, I was constantly asked, what industry did I work in, before my trip? I can remember it clearly. Some random american asking, so Dean, what industry do you work in? I would simply look over too them and say, I grew up in a mining town, I work in the mining industry. They would give me a puzzled look, miming industry? It was my turn to give a funny look, "No, the M-I-N-I-N-G industry." "Not Miming!!!" American local "You're mime?" Learning accents can be painful, I tried again. "No mines! Like minerals, copper, lead, zinc, silver, gold.. coal? get it? digging underground etc?" American local, "so you ain't a mime artist, then?" Giving up and not wanting to invest the time and effort in adapting my accent for the 4-5 time this happened. I simply started to say, "Well, you see I'm a koala farmer" American mouth would drop, "like woah, really?" I'd clear my throat and say " yea, its a bloodly tough job, but someone has to do it." Those koalas sleep 20 odd hours a day and you need someone, to give them a poke with a stick, just to make sure their alive." numerous americans, english, other nationals would listen on in interest. As I traveled across the world in 2003. I began to add a little extra to it each time. So eventfully, it was something like this, Yes, The names Dean, I'm a koala farmer. Yes, you heard me right. Great job, you get to make sure the koalas wake up every 20 odd hours like they are meant too. which is all good. My future plans are to go into koala dairy. Though I am finding I'm having a hard time at it.. because milking the koalas with my big fingers and hands is slow going. They've only got small teets. I hope they invent a machine to do it soon. Gourmet koala milk, theres nothing better.

Like everything, its how you say it and deliver it. Its something I began to enjoy in the USA. With my accent and a bit of wit and humour, I could get away with murder. Many a guy travelling with me would say, how the hell can you say that and not make people get upset? I'd look over too them and say, I think its all about having an accent and just the way you say it too. God knows, if i said this stuff back home, people would try to knock my block off..

Travelling, it broadens the mind, or maybe you just drink to dam much and you think it does.. Have a good day.



At 1:16 am, Blogger Castlerose23 said...

So Americans just aren't that smart,
hm? And you're right, the accent will pretty much get you anywhere. ;)


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