Saturday, April 09, 2005

Roots Canada, huh? Well in aussie slang, that speaks to me like this: Fucks canada. Because roots is slang for naughty stuff!!! A typical australian girl would walk up to a guy say, in a supermarket, or pet store and say, hey you, fancy a root? And after most blokes stopped blushing they'd go, You are on ya bloody sheila!!!

My Brother in law does not take it personally, that I outfished his arse for a period of 3-4 years, without him catching any fish. When we use to go out fishing together. No, not all. There was me for years, sending pics of all the fish, I had caught..

Then one day in my email box, this pic arrives.. Where he's holding up his fingers to suggest he finally caught one, he bloody caught one!!! His journey is now complete. For he is the barramundi catcher!

Then thats all I heard, was how great his fishing skills were.. The funny thing is/was/still. When Ever I've gone back to Mount Isa to catch up, do some fishing or chill out with the family. Vernon, becomes strangely disinterested in fishing. It would be easier at times for me to get blood out of a stone then for him to take me out fishing. Not like I made it too hard for him. I gave him my old boat and plenty of fishing rods, yet not once have we in the pass 3-4 years had a good day out fishing when I've gone back home... I wonder?

My brother strikes the pose, to suggest he is not posing for this pic, by not posing, which really is just a pose anyway.. ha-hah!

One of my english mates about to die, who I only met by mistakenly grabbing his arse on the dance floor when I was actually trying to grab the girl dancing beside him. Warning, never attempt this like that when a bit drunk. We became good mates for the next few weeks travelling. And no we are both hetrosexual men!! Well I know I am!!! what? Stop that!!!

What I saw the day I was coming home from north london and the drinking contest with the irish man, where I down 8 pints of guinness in record time.. Classic!

Got calfs? Sure do!! Thanks to climbing mount doom in NZ and 5-6 hills and mountains around the world in my around the world trips.

Aunty!!! And Uncle Ray. Yes its just Aunty. Shes from manchester in the Uk.. You know the type. Very english, wants to conquer the world and make everyone play cricket.. Bloody english!! Ok, shes nothing like that. As for Uncle ray well, there was this one time in the outback of australia, where he and my dad discovered the lost city of gold and wait a dam minute. I think he must of mad that story up when I was a kid to fire my imagination. The other big git is myself.. Yes, the one ray is pointing at...

My father back in his glory days.. Thats right, he was a rock and roll legend... Do-da-do-da-do-do-da-do-do-da.. oh wait, I mean in his own mind.. Sheesh.. not in the real world. But he had the look.

Niagara Falls, just some little water fall in canada. Over head shot I took when flying out of new york into toronto. And a few pics of toronta and I mean toronta, instead of toronto. giddy up!!!!

An American an Aussie in New York city. Eatting some local american custom super sugar,sweet tasting treat. It was like injecting pure cocaine into your system. Wait, not that I've ever had cocaine.. Happy-happy-sugar-rush-times

Some stupid canadian bastard. Has a addiction for anything irish.. But, he's a funny bastard and a good friend. He's currently either somewhere in thailand or one the way home from thailand.

Aussie and a American in London. Dean and heather, pose for a pic 2003. Yes, I know I am the pretty one and she hogged the camera shot.. bloody woman huh? Pfft!!!

Charging up the hill in scotland, for SCOT-Land!! Seems I got a problem on my back!!!!

Pics from My home town. Before going overseas A year or 2 ago. Pics contain, My old man, Sister, nephews,brother,brother-in-law and my old work place Mount Isa Mines. Can joo dig it? No, neither can I.

Come on You SPURS!! Go Tottenham Hotspurs!!! HEY!!! Someone has to follow them.. Good 20 years man.. fuck, I need my head read!!

Uncle Deano and Nephew Liam. On Mount Isa look out. Feeling the love of mount Isa. A place of such wonder and beauty. That people ask us, is this heaven and are you 2 angels? And we say nay, we are but men! This is Mount Isa, welcome to hell!!

The last time I visited My brother in law in Mount Isa. I don't think he knew I was there. Man works hard! Very Hard! His trade is that of a hair dresser. Look at his locks, you don't get hair like that without knowing the secrets of hairdressing.

She's the Queen of All dutchies on lake taupo. Shes dutch, She's from amsterdam, She a talker, a lover, a fighter, artist, painter and a chess player, too. Come to think.. But she burns toast and thats a flaw you can not let go. Oh yea and how can I forget, shes a dancer and kisser of women in night clubs. Girls be-fore-warned...Guys forget about it, she will eat you alive!!!

Sailing in lake taupo, in central part of the North Island of Nz.. Do you need any more pics or info on NZ to not want to go there already?

At the peak of Mount Doom. Tough? Cold? smelly? Bloody fantastic!!! Is all I could say. Come get some!

Climbing Mount Doom, in NZ. Ok I forget the real name of this volcano-mountain. I was trying to view the region. And my french-canadian friend wanted to pat my head!

The wonders of Wonders. Can you guess which part of Essex this is? You don't know where essex is? Well, I'm not from essex. I've just been there.

Here I am expressing my Love for CollingWood Aussie rules football club. Outside their old ground, in melbourne as I came back into australia from Nz. Can you tell I love them alot? Go the brisbane lions!!! Go the Queensladners!!!

My last Days in New Zealand. Back in the far north of NZ. Around the bay of islands. I think I'm saying, "can you smell the serenity?"