My Brother in law does not take it personally, that I outfished his arse for a period of 3-4 years, without him catching any fish. When we use to go out fishing together. No, not all. There was me for years, sending pics of all the fish, I had caught..
Then one day in my email box, this pic arrives.. Where he's holding up his fingers to suggest he finally caught one, he bloody caught one!!! His journey is now complete. For he is the barramundi catcher!
Then thats all I heard, was how great his fishing skills were.. The funny thing is/was/still. When Ever I've gone back to Mount Isa to catch up, do some fishing or chill out with the family. Vernon, becomes strangely disinterested in fishing. It would be easier at times for me to get blood out of a stone then for him to take me out fishing. Not like I made it too hard for him. I gave him my old boat and plenty of fishing rods, yet not once have we in the pass 3-4 years had a good day out fishing when I've gone back home... I wonder?
Then one day in my email box, this pic arrives.. Where he's holding up his fingers to suggest he finally caught one, he bloody caught one!!! His journey is now complete. For he is the barramundi catcher!
Then thats all I heard, was how great his fishing skills were.. The funny thing is/was/still. When Ever I've gone back to Mount Isa to catch up, do some fishing or chill out with the family. Vernon, becomes strangely disinterested in fishing. It would be easier at times for me to get blood out of a stone then for him to take me out fishing. Not like I made it too hard for him. I gave him my old boat and plenty of fishing rods, yet not once have we in the pass 3-4 years had a good day out fishing when I've gone back home... I wonder?
as it is said, "there can be only one" (Not Dean) for it has been written, "Vernon is the Barra King and Dean is a SMEGGER" , and why should I show u all the good spots when u come and visit, u r like a tourist now...lol... and i've caught all the fish anyway so there....lol
HAHAHA.. vengeance is a dish best served cold, my dear brother in law.
Argh, the barra king will fall, mark my words. You will fall!
*Does the king is dead dance*
I think the title of barraPoof, would suit you more vernie eugene Moon!!
I think it would indeed.
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