Sledging the Kaitiaki River In NZ.

New Zealand is known for its adventure Sports. Sleding has to be one of the most intense, painful, thrilling,frightening experiences you can have in water without having sex or being attacked by a shark. Its something you want to at least attempt in your life. I could hardly walk a few days later from the amount of bashing I took from the hidden rocks and what ever else my body hit coming down that river..Its not for the faint hearted. When they were giving the safety talk, I was rolling my eyes, yeah! yeah! big danger.. after we hit the first set of grade 2-3 rapids, we all crapping our pants and a few people pulled out. So, I can assure you sledging rivers in NZ.. is full on..
One last thing I'll have to say, is be better prepared then myself. averaging 3 hours a sleep for 8 days before hand and not eating right. Being hung over, didn't add to my experience of the sledging. I cramped up real bad, that I was the only silly bugger to go over the waterfall.. and everyone thought I meant it. I can assure you, I was kicking like a mad man and I had no other choice.. so I have 2 vids, ones standard, the other is HI-version. I prefer the HI-version.. So, sit back watch some crazy arse maddness.. if you ever get the chance, give it ago.. 135bucks kiwi dollars!
travel adventures of a koala farmer
travel adventures of a koala farmer
Link To the Hi sled vid: 8 Meg version