Only In America. Rest assured, us Aussies speak a form of english.

It goes something like this, In 2003 in a pub somewhere in san diego. Myself and another aussie guy had been chatting away to a couple of nice american girls. Both of them had been attending uni locally and we were expressing our thoughts on the city, which we loved btw. Anyway, half way through our discussion on just about everything, the so called more educated girl just blurts out. Wow you guys do speak english well, but could you start speaking australian now? Both of us looked like we just been slapped with a large cold wet fish. I looked at him, he looked back at me. I quickly said, we already are.. she goes no, thats english, speak australian.
The american girl smiled and said wow, See I am going to learn that, so when I go to australia, I can talk with people in markets and stuff and not seem like a tourist. At this moment in time, I'm just biting my hand as not to laugh. We exchanged emails and told her, we'll type in english, but we hope you can understand it, because of our accents which might make it hard to read. But plz, tell us when you go into the language school to study australian. We'd really like to know how you do..
Anyway, 6 weeks we manage to keep this up and finally she emails us back, highly embarressed that we'd conned her for so long and she felt like a fool. I told her, as long as you can laugh about it at the end.. at least you know now..
And so the story ends....
Well, I say.. we are australian not austrian. Down under, not europe love. She goes, "I know" where australia is. So thinking she means aussie slang I start using a few slangs. She cuts me off and asks no, speak true australian. Well, I'm stumped. But the other aussie guy, coming from croatian background, starts speaking a bit of croat to her.. I think he basicly said, silly american girl, australians speak english, plus a few other choice words. I looked at him, he looked back at me and winked (at the time I had no idea what he said or what tongue he just spoke in)The american girl smiled and said wow, See I am going to learn that, so when I go to australia, I can talk with people in markets and stuff and not seem like a tourist. At this moment in time, I'm just biting my hand as not to laugh. We exchanged emails and told her, we'll type in english, but we hope you can understand it, because of our accents which might make it hard to read. But plz, tell us when you go into the language school to study australian. We'd really like to know how you do..
Anyway, 6 weeks we manage to keep this up and finally she emails us back, highly embarressed that we'd conned her for so long and she felt like a fool. I told her, as long as you can laugh about it at the end.. at least you know now..
And so the story ends....
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