When Australians clash overseas.

Tale of Aussies clashing overseas. In london 2003. First let me paint a picture of how some of us aussies refer to each other inside our own country. Call it friendly banter between states of australia. Queensland my state call people from NSW, cockroaches. And the NSWers call us canetoads or banana benders. Due to the fact our state is overrun with bananas and canetoads.. Why do we call them cockroaches? Outside of them smelling funny, theres millions of the buggers in sydney alone, compare to the whole state of Queensland.
So here I am in london, sharing a dorm room with a girl from sydney. Nice enough girl, but as a joke I walked up to the front desk to complain about the health problems in this backpackers. I was greeted with a stunned look, from the girls behind the desk, who I might add where all aussies from NSW. As you can guess, you might know where I am going with this. I walked up and said, I've got a health complaint. Theres the biggest dam god cockroach, in my room I've ever seen!!! The girls are omg, cockroach? I said yes, its huge! Roughly 5'4", walks funny, makes funny sounds non stop. Complains its to cold in the room.. I want to know what you guys can do about this? Its dam shocking for a Queenslander to put up with a bloody big cockroach like that for 6 days!! The girls just look completely stunned, but as the words, 5'4", queenslander, start rining through their brains, they begin to laugh out aloud.. I go yea thats right, I've got a girl from sydney in my room, whos 5'4" tall.. Bloody cockroaches, I leave my country and have to put up with the vermin over here, can you have pest control come in and sort it out.. The next 10mins is all the girls throwing everything they can at me, shouting get that bloody canetoad!!! Chasing me down the hallway, with me yelling out aloud, go the queenslanders!!!
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