Friday, February 04, 2005

Its been a long trip through North England and Scotland, you stop at a pub and want to take a natural pic of everyone enjoying themself, But theres always one.. Cheers to this sydney bugger!!


At 10:45 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, that'd be Shannon, from Orange in NSW, Australia. I have several more photos with him giving the finger, often in the company of a big guy from Mt Isa giving the thumbs up. What did happen to Shannon anyway? I only got about 3 e-mail addresses from that tour and his wasn't one of them. Great tour though.

At 6:28 am, Blogger KoalaFarmer said...

Orange? Ok. I was thinking sidaknee!!! Shannon was it? Yes the name comes back to me greg. I never heard from shannon. I don't think I got his email either.. I got a few emails off the tour greg, but I can remember all of them now, so long ago!!

I just read ya email, I'll get back too you on that. I can't remember anything on our tour of ireland outside of the mad girls from new foundland and they fantastic accents. God, this all makes me want to travel!!! LOL

Deano.. big guy from Mount Isa.


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