Travel friends: Marvin Another dutchie. Master of the Dolphin and the shark. Also riding the pony

Marvin, friend, party animal and the man I learnt the ways of the shark and the dolphin. I bow too thy master. Always 2 there are, A master and an apprentice.
Little did I know how much of an impact marvin would make in my travels and the friendship, I would make with this dude from holland. It all started in Auckland, at the Auckland central backpackers. I'd been there maybe tops of 2 days longer then marvin. At the start he was pretty jet lagged, so I didn't really see much of him other then sleeping. So on my scaled of interest marvin wasn't scoring high, lets say.
But after he recovered, the stuff we both got involved into became stuff of legends. To many stories to point out. This dutchie was a funny bastards and a all round good guy.
Its partly because of him, my 3 days in auckland became 12 days. Some of the highlights was just the general mayhem we caused in the globe bar, the acb, and in and around auckland itself. This guy had something with the ladies. We could not walk down the street, without some chick smiling in his direction. The man had the scent of the animal.. and the ability to morph from a dolphin into a shark and back again.. He also liked to ride the pony.. mysterious coded language I am using, which may become clearer later on. I passed his teachings on to other lesser mortals..
Little did I know how much of an impact marvin would make in my travels and the friendship, I would make with this dude from holland. It all started in Auckland, at the Auckland central backpackers. I'd been there maybe tops of 2 days longer then marvin. At the start he was pretty jet lagged, so I didn't really see much of him other then sleeping. So on my scaled of interest marvin wasn't scoring high, lets say.
But after he recovered, the stuff we both got involved into became stuff of legends. To many stories to point out. This dutchie was a funny bastards and a all round good guy.
Its partly because of him, my 3 days in auckland became 12 days. Some of the highlights was just the general mayhem we caused in the globe bar, the acb, and in and around auckland itself. This guy had something with the ladies. We could not walk down the street, without some chick smiling in his direction. The man had the scent of the animal.. and the ability to morph from a dolphin into a shark and back again.. He also liked to ride the pony.. mysterious coded language I am using, which may become clearer later on. I passed his teachings on to other lesser mortals..
While in auckland: One of the things we got up to was marvin showing me his digital vid camera. He kept handing it to me like I knew how to work it and read the manual. Which was all in dutch. It was his kind of joke. We took this camera to auckland university and filmed the campus. Then we pretended to be exchange students.. where we came from varied on how bad our accents sounded. One moment I was belgian, danish, swedish.. germen etc.. dependant how long I could stay in character for.. For marvin, he already had a freaky accent so, he just talked normally. We interviewed a few students about Auckland uni, asked them why they all spoke funny, why did they love fush and chups.Thats how Kiwi's pronouce fish and chips. Trust me, its true. How could they all live so close to australia and not all move there, because it was so much better? Why, when you went to the movies they asked for 12 fuffty, instead of 12 fifty, for entry into a movie? Of course we filmed all of this. It was cheap entertainment for us. We ended our tour of Auckland Uni, with me asking a parking attendent how sexy he looked in his uniform and did he get alot of female swedish backpackers hitting on him? I think he then called security and we bailed out of there asap.
We were the last to part from room 210, in the auckland central backpackers. He headed off on his quest and me on mine. It was by chance only a few days after I had met moniek in rotorua and at least 3 weeks since I'd last seen him. That I was walking through central rotorua. I got to a street corner, instead of walking straight to my normal internet cafe, I turned left. I had a sense I needed too. I walk another 30 feet. Stopped outside a shop, to hear a song I enjoyed listening too.. I was looking at the ground and as I slowly turned around I looked up slowly across the road. All I saw was this huge big white smile and my name being called out.. Then I saw it was marvin, Straight away my kidney and liver moaned. For they knew, that from this day forward, they were going to be abuse alot by beer. Random chance we bumped into each other again. We all then moved into the same backpackers and room. Then went about becoming infamous in rotorua.
Oh the story about marvin, me and an irishmen and 2 local rotorua girls is something to be told later.. But I can tell you.. Its a mad story that had me shaking my head and marvin in all sorts of trouble.
Till the next time.
We were the last to part from room 210, in the auckland central backpackers. He headed off on his quest and me on mine. It was by chance only a few days after I had met moniek in rotorua and at least 3 weeks since I'd last seen him. That I was walking through central rotorua. I got to a street corner, instead of walking straight to my normal internet cafe, I turned left. I had a sense I needed too. I walk another 30 feet. Stopped outside a shop, to hear a song I enjoyed listening too.. I was looking at the ground and as I slowly turned around I looked up slowly across the road. All I saw was this huge big white smile and my name being called out.. Then I saw it was marvin, Straight away my kidney and liver moaned. For they knew, that from this day forward, they were going to be abuse alot by beer. Random chance we bumped into each other again. We all then moved into the same backpackers and room. Then went about becoming infamous in rotorua.
Oh the story about marvin, me and an irishmen and 2 local rotorua girls is something to be told later.. But I can tell you.. Its a mad story that had me shaking my head and marvin in all sorts of trouble.
Till the next time.
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