Odd Travel Jobs. Nose Model. Cause its all I nose, err knows!
One of the odd jobs I scored on my tour of the world, was that of a nose model. A nose model? I hear you laughing back! Trust me, its for real! You've heard of hand models, body doubles etc.. There are such things as nose models. It was the summer of 2002, When I had the chance to first put my snoze into a model role. It was by chance walking down 5th aven in New york, that a woman approached me informing me of my fine, large snoze. (nose people,get with the program) She said, it was inhumaninly large and mighty in appearance. Was it real, she asked me! I said, It was an a few games of rugby league and a few elbows had added too its shape. She said my nose was rugged and macho australian in appearance, that I could make a small fortune in an elite model school, if I was prepared to work hard and put my nose too the grind, so to speak.
After a short stint, doing small nose model gigs, in local ads in an around new york. It wasn't long before I hit it big, with a large plastic surgery firm. I was the before shot.. You see commonly in those ads, in various mags/papers/tv ads. Suddenly I found myself in the big time, Milan, London, New york. The world was my oyster. I developed my look, that of the flared nostrel outback ocker aussie miner, coming home from a long hard shift working underground look. I strutted down, the nose model catwalks in milan to high acclaim, wow them in london, an rocked their socks off in New york. There wasn't a dry nose in the place, at the end of the night.

Now, I had this sleek, sexy look. I lost confidence in myself, I didn't know my role anymore. I shunned the limelight! Afraid, people would find me too sexy and not the macho rugged son of a bitch I was before... I wandered off into self imposed exile. Travelling the world, seeking what, where, who I was.. where Id turn too.. it was by then, I found my path in the koala farming industry. The koalas didn't care, if I had a dead sexy nose or a rugged macho, slightly bent one. Hell, they sleep 20 hours a day and doped out on gum leaves, to care..

Wild night out in the limo, after the nose model award nights!!
travel adventures of a koala farmer

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