Many Moons have passed.

My views, stories and adventures experienced over the past couple years of travelling Overseas, around the world, Australia and beyond. An Outback Australian, from Mount Isa, a mining town in the middle of no where. Uncultured barbarian, let loose, upon foreign shores.
Since I've been working hard and all that for the past couple of years, I've heard more and more about you tube. What is it? Basicly, its a web site that just allows people to upload movies of them selves easy and share with the world. Some are good, some are not. I'll give you two examples and let you judge for yourself.
Its a fine friday easter morning as I sit here in a local internet cafe and prepare to head out from brisbane to visit some of my close blood family west and north of this fine city. Its been some time since I had the "time" to update my old travel blog. Reason? Why, working a hell of a lot, drinking, carrying on and what not! Not much of an excuse, but none the less its whats been keeping me sane or is that insane?
My How a year just flies by.. All I can remember this time last year was being back in australia and going nuts and enjoying life.. 2005, has been a funny year for myself. It basicly a readjustment to returning to a normal working life and limit travel.. Even though I still did a little through the year..
Now, This isn't a travel story, but what actually happen last monday to me and a work mate on the way back to his place for a few beers. Simon my english work buddy and I were walking back through the valley mall roughly about 815pm on monday the 19th of sept. When in the middle of the valley mall, we heard the sounds of plates and chairs crashing and smashing. Both of us looked to our left and saw guy assaulting a cafe worker.
So we all walked back to the cafe, where I came my full name and mobile number.. We left.. as we were walking up the road, cop cars came from everywhere with lights flushing etc.. we walked off had a few beers, then the cops called me and then they came and took us to the police station for interview and to give a statement.
A few days later, in the courier mail.. the local brisbane paper. A 300-400 word report with a pic of the chef appeared in the crime report section. Now, the story reported was the chef almost single handly had taken down the bad dood.. reading the entire story, I found at the very end, that we got a mention.. it was something like.. "An some other guys helped" Talk about a laugh! It was like we'd just beeen standing there clapping! So a few days later I walked into the cafe.. to see if the guy would say thanks for that, or offer me a free drink or just a pat on the back! Hell first shout of beer at the local pub would have done.. What happen? Nothin.. not a thing! I'm not glory hound. but fair suck of the sav mate!
Talk about life throwing you a curve ball?
All the best simon on ya travels home mate! An all the best too your lovely lady!
Well been awhile since I've had an update.. Don't worry theres tons of travel stories still in my head.. some are very, very naughty! So I hold onto those ones.. because a few of those people do surf this site..
Got myself onto this and its free.. Thanks to a sweet little german girl.. well, not that sweet.. now more english then german, but you know she means well. My contact is DeeJayOfOZ.